When Should You Start Studying for the July Bar Exam?

When should you start studying for the July bar exam

The bar exam is a little over three months away. If you are signed up for the July exam, you’re probably wondering when you should start studying.

So how do you determine when you should start studying? The short answer is that there is no predetermined amount of time. As each student is a unique individual, so is the length of study time. Most students can benefit from 6-8 weeks of full-time study for the exam. This is good news for you because we are quickly approaching that time frame.

So how do you know if you should study longer than that generally prescribed period?  You should consider these things.

Are you working during this time?

If the answer is yes, then you should probably start sooner. You will get burned out and extremely exhausted if you try to work full-time and study full-time concurrently. It is more doable if you are only working part-time. Students who work full-time can benefit from an extended study schedule. Full-time workers can benefit from our AmeriBar study calendars that exceed the typical 60-day calendar. The exam is still far enough away for you determine when you want to begin. If your target is studying 8-12 weeks, then you still have time before you should begin.

If the answer is no, then 6-8 weeks is probably ample time.

Do you have an extended summer vacation planned?

If the answer is yes, then you may want to start earlier than 6-8 weeks out so that you don’t have to spend a significant amount of time studying over your holiday. Plus, the likelihood of you committing a great amount of time to studying on your vacation is low. If you don’t account for this in your study schedule, you’re probably putting yourself at a disadvantage. Again, building this time off into one of our AmeriBar sample study schedules will vastly improve your chances of staying on schedule and passing the bar exam.

If the answer is no, then 6-8 weeks is probably ample time.

Did you just graduate?

If the answer is no, then you may want to study earlier.

If the answer is yes but you’re working full-time, see the first question in this list.

If the answer is yes and you can study full-time, then you probably don’t need to spend more than 8 weeks studying. Of course, if you had any issues in law school or you feel that you need to study longer, then do so. If you haven’t already chosen your bar course provider, try out our AmeriBar no obligation free trial. We think you will enjoy our program.

Do you have significant obligations outside of studying?

If the answer is yes, then you may want to study earlier.

If the answer is no, then 6-8 weeks is probably ample time.

How comfortable are you with your knowledge of the law?

If you are very comfortable with the law, then 6-8 weeks is plenty of time for you to study.

If you struggle with one or more areas of the law, then you may want to start studying earlier. You may also consider tutoring in addition to increasing your study time. If you’re interested in AmeriBar tutoring, be sure to let us know.

Again, you know your strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else. You should start studying when you feel comfortable, but keep in mind that we do not recommend studying any fewer than six weeks for the bar exam. If you have any questions for us, feel free to give us a call at 800-529-2651.

Free Bar Exam Score Report Analysis

Free score analysis

Bar Exam Score | Analysis | AmeriBar

Bar exam scores have been trickling in for over a month now. As they continue to roll in for the next month, many bar exam retakers will benefit from a score analysis before preparing for the next administration of the bar exam.

By examining your past scores, you’ll be able to pinpoint your trouble areas and determine where to focus your studying efforts for the next exam.  We would like to extend this courtesy to you for no charge. If you’d like to set up a free score report analysis with one of our experts, please email your score report to support@ameribar.com, or upload your score here.

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    We’ll reply and set up a telephone score analysis. Keep in mind that time will be limited as the exam draws nearer, but we will do our best to schedule your analysis promptly.


    Which Course is Right for Me?

    Picking the Right Course

    One of the most popular questions that we receive from students is, “Which course is right for me?” Our bar review courses are not “one size fits all”. We can help you determine which course is best for you. If you callus, we’ll be happy to guide you to the right course. Here is an overview of all of our courses.

    Our goal is to provide you with an effective course that maximizes your chance of passing the bar exam. We have course options that cater to different types of learners and students with varying budgets. All packages come with personalized service, which is available 24 hours a day via email, or 55 hours per week via telephone.

    [separator headline=”h1″ title=”Standard Course”]

    Our basic offering is our Standard Course.  The Standard Course includes everything you need to prepare for the bar exam. It’s popular with recent graduates who don’t need assistance with essay writing and attorneys who have recently passed the bar exam in another state. It includes all the outlines you need to prepare for the MBE and written portions of the exam; over 1400 NCBE released multiple choice questions; and online access to lectures and hundreds of additional essays and over 3000 additional simulated MBE questions.  You also have access to our Essay Critique program. This package is great for anyone who needs assistance with the essay portion of the bar exam or had issues in legal writing classes in law school. It’s the course we recommend for graduating law students in the top half of the class.

    The Standard Course comes with our Pass-Update guarantee. If you are not successful on the bar exam, we’ll extend your course access to the next exam period.

    [separator headline=”h1″ title=”Personal Bar Review Course”]

    Our most comprehensive package is the Personal Bar Review Course. This course is great for students who prefer one-on-one guidance from a bar exam expert. You get everything from the Standard Course, plus the iPod rental, and seven tutoring sessions. All of our tutoring is conducted via Skype or telephone so you can enroll in tutoring no matter where you are in the world. The Personal Bar Review course is right for you if:

    1. You graduated from law school more than 10 years ago and have not been practicing law;
    2. You haven’t taken a bar exam in over 15 years;
    3. You graduated in the bottom half of your law school class;
    4. You struggled in legal writing class;
    5. You are a foreign attorney; or
    6. You feel that you need extra help.

    [separator headline=”h1″ title=”Tutoring”]

    We also offer stand-alone tutoring for repeat bar exam takers. If you’re trying to decide between the Personal Bar Review Course and bar exam tutoring, then there are a couple of considerations you should consider. If you have substantive review materials that are from a reputable provider that are no more than 18 months old (and the scope of the exam hasn’t changed), then you’ll save a significant amount of money by enrolling in stand-alone tutoring. If you have no recent substantive bar review materials, you’d be best suited for the Personal Bar Review Course because it includes tutoring and substantive materials.

    [separator headline=”h1″ title=”Call us so we can help you choose.”]

    If you have any questions about our packages or our tutoring program, please call us at 800-529-2651 or email support@ameribar.com.

    Is Tutoring Right for You?

    Do I Need Bar Exam Tutoring?

    Do I Need Bar Exam Tutoring
    The next bar exam is just four months away. If you’ve been putting off taking the exam because you had prior difficulties passing it, then now is the time to consider AmeriBar tutoring.

    History of Our Bar Exam Tutoring Program

    Our founder, Alex Nakis, developed our tutoring program in 1999 to help students pass the bar exam. Alex found a problem with other bar review courses and developed the tutoring program to combat their weaknesses. We have been tutoring students for the past 15 years, and we have helped them successfully pass the bar exam.

    Why You Should Consider Tutoring

    • We were one of the first in the business. Our company was exclusively involved in tutoring until we realized that there was a need for a better bar review program.
    • Our tutors are experienced and have been properly trained. Each AmeriBar tutor has helped hundreds of other students pass the bar exam. Many of these students are repeat exam takers who felt as if they had no chance of passing the bar. Our tutors know the nuances of the bar exam and pass this knowledge onto their students.
    • Our program is individualized. We don’t cater to the masses. We focus on you and your individual experiences. We want you to pass the bar exam, so your tutoring program is tailored to your specific needs and weaknesses. No tutoring program should be “one size fits all.”
    • Our students are our biggest supporters. We have dozens of testimonial videos from our students who will tell you that they are attorneys because they got AmeriBar bar exam tutoring.
    • We care about you. Everyone at AmeriBar wants you to pass the bar exam. That is why we want you to call or email us if you are experiencing any pitfalls in your study process. We are here to help you.

    Tutoring Benefits

    • You will learn how to maximize your points on each section of the exam. Our tutors know what the bar examiners are looking for on the exam, and they will teach you how to maximize your points on the test.
    • Get the benefit of our online lectures. These are no additional cost to our tutoring students. They will help you learn how to study more effectively and efficiently, how to write an essay, among many other valuable test taking strategies and techniques.
    • Get the benefit of our online questions. There are over 2400 MBE questions and hundreds of MPT and essay questions available.
    • The biggest benefit of all: passing the bar exam!
    For more information about our tutoring pricing, please give us a call at 800-529-2651 or send us an email to support@ameribar.com.

    Can You Work and Study for the Bar?

    Working and StudyingLaw school graduation is just around the corner for some of you lucky 3Ls. In the days surrounding your law school graduation, you will feel pretty good about yourself. You just emerged on the other end of the law school vortex shiny, vibrant, and successful.  After that euphoria wears off, two things will weigh on your mind. The first being the behemoth that is the bar exam, and the second being money. The idea of student loan debt trickling in is worse than the plot of a bad horror film, but some people have to work while preparing for the bar. Bills and everyday life don’t stop for the bar exam. When you mention that you are working and studying, you probably either get a raised eyebrow or pitying looks. Is it possible to work and study for the bar?  While it’s not impossible, it is not recommended that you study and work so that you can maximize your chances of passing and not have to repeat the whole process again. That caution being out of the way, of course you can pass if you are studying and working at the same time.

    Adjust your expectations

    Our number one advice is that you must adjust your expectations while studying for the bar and working. For many people, studying for the bar exam is their full time job after graduation. Not everyone has the luxury. So, what’s our best advice for you hard-working multi-taskers?

    Choose a bar prep provider

    We aren’t just saying this because we are in the business. It is important that you have reputable study materials. Some providers, ahem, ahem, even provide you with practice study calendars that are longer than six weeks. You need to make sure that the course will fit your schedule. Our program can be accessed at any point in your studies–a year out, six months out, etc.

    Adjust your study schedule

    You have to be mindful of when the bar exam is offered. It is only offered twice a year, in February and July, in all jurisdictions. You will probably need longer than six weeks to prepare for the exam if you are working. Some bar review providers only give their students six weeks to do all of their bar prep. We let you start when you need to start studying. We want you to be fully prepared for the exam whether that means you need six months or a year to prepare for the exam. There is no standard time frame for how long a person should prepare. Understandably, six weeks isn’t going to be enough if you are only studying 3-4 hours a day.

    Adjust your work schedule if possible

    You should try to work fewer hours if you are preparing for the exam. It’s stressful and daunting trying to juggle work and studying. If it’s not realistic to reduce your work hours for the duration of your studies, you should at least try to get some time off before the test.

    Remember, it’s not impossible. It can be done, but you must adjust your expectations and your study schedule. Need help deciding on a program? We have a Part Time Bar Review program that we would be happy to discuss with you. Contact us at 800-529-2651.

    Crush the Bar Exam Today!

    Crush the bar exam

    We would wish everyone taking the bar exam luck today, but they don’t need it because they’ve been studying. It will all be over after this week, but then comes the hard part–waiting for results! Next week we will bring you an AmeriBlog about what you should do while you’re waiting for your bar exam results.

    If you have any questions that you would like us to address, shoot us an email at support@ameribar.com and your question may be featured on our AmeriBlog!