Student Reviews
Dayton School of Law
“I am a practicing attorney now because of AmeriBar”
Texas Tech Law School
Janee was unsuccessful on several attempts before discovering AmeriBar
University of Miami
Chanel increased her score from 123 to 139!
Rutgers Law School
Mallory passed five years after being unsuccessful with another course provider
University of Miami
Sarah increased her MBE score by 25 points after enrolling in AmeriBar
Fordham Law School
“I increased my score upwards of 30 points so the least I could do was give a testimonial.”
St. Thomas Law School
Otto raised his score on the MBE from 133 to 150 after enrolling in AmeriBar and completing 1600 FEWER practice MBE questions. You really can study smarter, do less, and pass the bar exam!

Thomas Cooley Law School
Heidi was unsuccessful twice with a mass market course before enrolling in AmeriBar bar exam tutoring.
Heidi describes how AmeriBar was instrumental in raising her score from 121 to 144.
Tulsa Law School
Keri describes how AmeriBar was instrumental to her success on the bar exam.
Regent Law School
Jennifer was unsuccessful twice with a mass market course before enrolling in an AmeriBar course.
“I felt so prepared and so well-versed in every area of the law for the exam. I never felt that way with [competitor] the first couple of times I took it. I can’t say enough about how well-prepared I felt and how relieved I was after failing twice to come back and just nail it after six years of absence from the law.”
Dayton Law School
Austin was unsuccessful with a mass market course before enrolling in an AmeriBar course
“[T]he materials are put together in a superior way. They read much more smoothly. I think they’re put together in a more sequential and chronological way. They are far easier to comprehend, and learning it in a linear sequential way, the way AmeriBar has them set out, really helped me pass.”
NCCU Law School
Iyanna emotionally describes how AmeriBar helped her pass the bar exam after several prior unsuccessful attempts using a different review course (where she worked as a campus representative).