Military Service Award ApplicationMilitary Service Award Application AmeriBar honors those who have served in the United States Armed Forces. You have courageously served your country to protect our freedoms. We proudly offer qualified former and current members of the United States Armed Forces with an award towards the purchase of a complete AmeriBar Bar Review course.By submitting this application, I hereby affirm that I:1. have graduated (or will graduate) from an ABA accredited law school within the 50 states of the United States or D.C.; 2. will sit for the upcoming administration of the bar exam; and 3. am currently a member of the military of the United States of America or am a former member who was honorably discharged.I further affirm that no third party is providing any form of remuneration for my bar review course and that if I am offered and accept an AmeriBar scholarship I will promptly notify AmeriBar within thirty (30) days should my eligibility change in any manner at which time I agree to repay the scholarship. I understand that any scholarship is awarded at the sole discretion of AmeriBar. Your Name Your Email Telephone Number Law School Military Branch Graduation Year Bar Exam Jurisdiction Documentation (submit your proof of eligibility in pdf or jpg/jpeg format) What do you plan to do with your license to practice law? I hereby attest to the truthfulness of this application.