Don’t Be Discouraged if You’re a Repeat Taker

Information for repeat takers

Bar exam scores from the February 2016 bar exam are trickling in from all over the United States. While many students get good news when they get their results, there are many who found out that they have not passed. If you are one of these students, there is no need to fret or feel stressed out.

The bar exam is not easy. There is not a single jurisdiction in the United States that has a 100% pass rate–trust me. Go look for yourself. The passage rates vary, of course, but one uniform truth is that the bar exam is not an easy exam for anyone. There may be a handful of anomalous people who go into the test with little preparation and pass. For the most part, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to pass the exam.

Just because you did not pass the exam, does not mean you are a failure. Some people need additional help to pass the bar exam. Studying is something that you have to do on your own, but there are more efficient and effective ways to study. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to get this information. We have lectures that will help you find more efficient and effective ways of studying.

It could be that you studied efficiently and effectively, but you did not know what the bar examiners were looking for in an answer. There are methods of writing an essay answer that will maximize your points and strategies to help you pick the best multiple-choice answer. Our tutors can help you maximize your points on both sections of the exam.

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If you could benefit from learning more efficient and effective ways of studying or what the bar examiners are looking for in answers, then you are a great candidate for our tutoring program. We will gladly give you a consultation based on your score report. Email your score report to or call us at 800-529-2651 to request more information.